No Word, Acrylic on Canvas in a wooden frame. 87cm x 63cm

Latest Exhibition

Womans Arts Association Wales, Llanover Arts Centre, Romilly Rd, Cardiff CF5 1FH. Showing 6th Nov. til 16th Dec. 2023. Being a Full-Time Artist, my studio is filled with experimental pieces, …

Colours in Motion, Acrylic on Canvas. Lianne Morgan Art 2008

A discovery of SOUND ART.

When I began my journey into the world of Art I thought I had left music behind. I remember speaking with a fellow Artist and saying “I wanted nothing more …

Distorted Face from The Feedback Loop Lianne Morgan 2019. Collection Item 2.

The Feedback Loop

This piece of work explores how disability and illness affect the conscious mind. Through my own experience due to the loss of my voice, I explore how this disability has affected my consciousness, internal dialogue, and external experience within my environment.


I perched myself onto the sofa, laptop in my lap, ready to attempt my website for the millionth time, as I looked down at my ugly fireplace which doesn’t contain …

Leaving the Reborn (Covid) 2020

©Lianne Morgan Leaving the Reborn 2021 1m x 1.5m Acrylic on Canvas In March 2020, just before the whole world experienced Covid 19 lockdowns, I had to have emergency surgery …